Project exhibition
The exhibition presents selected results of research by the 2TaLL project: Application of 3D Virtual City Models in Urban Analyses of Tall Buildings, under the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme by a team of researchers from the Western Pomeranian University of Technology of Szczecin, implemented in 2013-2016. The team consisted of dr inż. arch. Klara Czyńska, project manager, and dr inż. arch. Paweł Rubinowicz and Adam Zwoliński. The authors want to move visitors to the world of digital urban analyses developed by the 2TaLL project, show possibilities of virtual modelling using latest technologies and highlight the significance of tall buildings for the contemporary development of skylines of European cities. The exhibition has been divided into 5 theme groups, such as leading research methods, computer aided tools and in situ analysis of tall buildings in selected cities in Europe. Major research methods included Visual Impact Size (VIS) based on application for specific location of a tall building in Warsaw; Visual Protection Surface (VPS) based on a landscape study in Dresden and study of land configuration and proportions of public space using a space negative (3D-negative and SVF).
Exhibition place: Architects Gallery Form, WPUT, Żołnierska 50, Szczecin PL
Exposure time: February – May 2016
Official website at Architects Gallery Form >>>
Photos from opening
For a number of years, a team, comprising dr inż. arch. Klara Czyńska, dr inż. arch. Paweł Rubinowicz and dr inż. arch. Adam Zwoliński, has been developing a concept of spatial analysis of an urban structure using digital techniques. ( ) The output of those three researchers evokes respect. Not only did they succeed in formulating a simple idea and showed the entire process of developing the analytical tool, which presents visual impact areas in a city involving shadowing and revealing of specific objects, but more importantly provided for a very useful application of the tool which does not happen too often.
dr hab. inż. arch. Robert Barełkowski, prof. ZUT, UTP
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Findings of the 2TaLL research project present a series of new analysis methods that facilitate studies on the impact of new buildings on a city. In particular, visibility studies based on Visual Protection Surfaces provide new opportunities for an urban planning practice that respects historical urban heritage. ( ) The integration of the third dimension in the visibility analysis of urban areas enables new and innovative systematical view analyses. The most important one is the comprehensive analysis of buildings visibility which combines the height of a building with its visual impact, namely the Visual Impact Size method.
Reinhard Koenig, Junior-Professor Dr.
Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Technische Universität München, ETH Zurich
The attainments presented in the exhibition are a major contribution to innovative urban structure analysis methods so much valid and important for the contemporary development of cities in Europe. The research implemented and methods developed enable: a) better forecasting of spatial consequences of certain planning decisions as regards the development of tall buildings, b) defining their significance for the public structure in a city and c) examining the capacity of a city as regards tall buildings, while taking into consideration its historical landscape.
Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Waldemar Marzęcki
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Selected exhibition boards
Boards’ zooms
Video about 2TaLL project was prepared for opening of the exhibition. It was made by prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Waldemar Marzęcki – reviewer of the exhibition.