General information
The 2TaLL project: “Application of 3D Virtual City Models in Urban Analyses of Tall Buildings” was implemented in 2013-2016 under the Polish-Norwegian Research Program, by a team of researchers from the Western Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland). The team consisted of dr inż. arch. Klara Czyńska (Principal Investigator), dr inż. arch. Paweł Rubinowicz and Adam Zwoliński (Key Staff). The project examined possibilities and limitations of using virtual models of cities (3D) to provide advanced urban analyses focused on impact simulations of tall buildings on landscapes of European cities. The research was an interdisciplinary combination of geo-information and urban planning sciences and contributed to the development of theory & applications in the two fields of engineering science. Achieved results shows new areas in which virtual models of cities can be applied (geo-information science), as well as for broadening specialist analysis of tall buildings development (urban science). The project aimed at development of new methods of simulations using the recent computer techniques, software solution and new computer programs. Methods developed within the project enables diagnosing the visual impact of a tall buildings (VIS), protecting important landscape clusters (VPS), and analyzing of the influence of tall buildings into public spaces (e.g. 3D-Negative). Developed software solutions includes two types of digital 3D city models: CityGML and DSM/LiDAR data.